When it comes to prenatal care, massage therapy is one of the most sought-after treatments. Not only does it help in reducing pregnancy-related discomforts, but it also promotes relaxation and well-being for both the mother and baby. At Valeo Physiotherapy in Milton, we specialize in offering tailor-made massage treatments for expecting mothers, ensuring safety and comfort at every step. This article sheds light on commonly asked questions about pregnancy massage.
What Kind of Massage Is Safe During Pregnancy?
There are myriad techniques available for prenatal massages. At Valeo Physiotherapy, our expert therapists ensure to select a technique that is tailor-made for your unique needs and one you feel comfortable with. The most prevalent among these techniques is the Swedish massage. Characterized by long gliding strokes and pressure levels adjusted to each individual’s tolerance, the goal of this massage style is to provide relaxation to the muscles and enhance circulation.
The Proper Way To Execute a Pregnancy Massage
How does a specialist at Valeo Physiotherapy in Milton conduct a prenatal massage? We prioritize the safety and comfort of both the mother and baby during the entire session. Our therapists utilize bolsters, cushions, and pillows to support mothers in a side-lying position, ensuring maximum comfort. The focus of every technique employed is the utmost safety and comfort for the mother and her baby.

When To Opt for a Pregnancy Massage?
Although it’s generally safe to get a pregnancy massage during all trimesters, each pregnancy is unique. Some come with complications or high-risk factors that might make massages inadvisable. Always consult with your healthcare provider before proceeding. Once you’ve received the green light, many mothers find the second trimester the most comfortable period for a massage.
Areas To Exercise Caution During a Pregnancy Massage
While the expertise at Valeo Physiotherapy ensures a secure massage experience, it’s essential to be aware of certain areas that require extra caution during a prenatal massage. Therapists avoid deep pressure on the abdomen and lower back. Additionally, they steer clear of specific foot pressure points known to stimulate uterine contractions, ensuring the mother’s safety.
Ensuring Safety During a Back Massage
Is it safe to have a back massage during pregnancy? Our therapists at Valeo Physiotherapy take various factors into account to ascertain the safety of the massage for both the mother and her unborn child. Proper positioning, utilizing pillows and supports, and applying the correct pressure level are vital. For the utmost safety, it’s recommended to commence prenatal back massages after the first 12 weeks or the end of the first trimester.

Can a Baby Sense the Massage?
One intriguing question many expectant mothers ask is whether their baby can feel the massage from inside the womb. Current research has shown that fetuses can react to auditory stimuli like their mother’s voice or music. However, there’s no conclusive evidence to suggest a fetus can sense external stimuli from a massage. With the baby protected by the surrounding amniotic fluid, the gentle pressure from a massage is likely more beneficial than harmful.
At Valeo Physiotherapy in Milton, our commitment is to ensure every expecting mother experiences the benefits of a safe and relaxing pregnancy massage. Our expert Massage Therapy in Milton are trained to provide a comfortable and safe environment, addressing every concern and need. If you’re considering a pregnancy massage, reach out to us, and let’s ensure you and your baby receive the best care possible.