Whole Health Therapies
Rather than paying out of pocket first, Valeo Physiotherapy can bill your insurance company directly so you can avoid the hassle of doing paperwork. This service is available to those who are insured by the following providers:
We require insurance information (i.e. policy and identification numbers) as well as a signed consent form for submission. Please know that the amount of coverage you receive depends on your benefit plan and, in some cases, your injury. We are glad to help you determine the amount of coverage you will receive for your treatments. Please be aware that you are responsible for any treatment costs not covered by your plan.
We also provide quality care to those who have been involved in a motor vehicle accident (MVA) or workplace injury (WSIB).
In the case of MVA, our knowledgeable practitioners begin with an assessment of your current condition, then devise and implement an individual treatment plan in coordination with your adjustor to help you get back towards normal function. When involved in an MVA, check with your auto insurance provider for coverage of treatment. If you have extended benefits, it is required that they are first exhausted, then you will be covered by your auto insurance. In the case that you do not have extended benefits, the full or partial cost will be covered by your auto insurance provider. This applies to all who are involved, no matter who is at fault and is provincially mandated by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario. For more information on automobile insurance & the claims process, visit the Financial Services Commission of Ontario website HERE
In the case of WSIB, the assessment can be done either by one of our practitioners or a family doctor. A pre-determined program of care will then take place based upon the area of injury. This program will be managed by your practitioner and a WSIB adjustor.
Both situations require specific documentation to be completed. We are ready to fill out any necessary paperwork on our end and help you do the same. We are here to answer any questions or concerns about form completion.
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